Bob Burton
I conducted an SDI assessment with Victor Johnston and this was the most professional assessment I have ever received. Victor really knows his stuff and he has an amazing ability to understand and to connect with people. Victor was able to properly assess my strengths through conversation, even before I took the SDI assessment. Wow, what an amazing guy and an amazing resource! Since my SDI assessment with Victor, my relationships have greatly improved because I am now aware that my overdone strengths are actually weaknesses. Victor helped me to understand more about my temperament and to operate in my strengths. I am more motivated because now I am able to link my motivation to my values and really make decisions and do work that matters! I have been able to stop more than one conflict through understanding my conflict sequence, and this has saved relationships at home and at work. Others may try to impact me but I determine how I feel, anchored by my values. This has only been possible through self-awareness and through understanding my strengths and weaknesses.
SDI has been my missing link in my professional life and I have been able to improve my personal and organizational effectiveness. I understand others better now and I am grateful for that. The importance of human capital cannot be underestimated no matter the work that we do. However, we need tools like SDI to improve our understanding and emotional intelligence. I have improved confidence in my personal life and my professional life and I owe a great debt of gratitude to Victor Johnston for helping me to understand myself!
Thank you Victor, keep changing the world!
Robert Burton